E3S at IPM: Full Programme Announced…
With just four weeks until the 15th ILMC Production Meeting kicks off, we’re counting down the days at IPM HQ! If you didn’t already know, this year’s IPM delegates will have access to an additional full day of programming courtesy of the Event Safety & Security Summit (E3S). Details of which can be found below…
But before that, a quick reminder that next week we will publish the delegate list online, so if you haven’t already registered for IPM and you want to make sure your name is on that list, click here to sign up.
E3S Morning Sessions
With crowd management a central topic for many right now, the first two E3S sessions of the day comprise a pair of interactive scenario-based tabletops.
Each session will focus on a single environment: an outdoor music festival and an indoor arena event, and participants will work in groups taking on specific roles.
These combined interactive Crowd Management Tabletops have been created and will be delivered by the Yourope Event Safety Group (YES) and Mind Over Matter Consultancy (MOM). They will be hosted by Pete Dalton, Mind Over Matter Consultancy (UK), with help from Coralie Bereal, Forest National (BE); Sabine Funk, IBIT (DE); Prof. Chris Kemp, Mind Over Matter Consultancy (UK); Andy Mestka, Gadget abc Entertainment Group (CH); Henrik Bondo Nielsen, Roskilde Festival (DK); Morten Therkildsen & Alexandra Von Samson, Freelance / Rock am Ring (DE); and Pascal Viot, Paleo Festival (CH).
E3S: Afternoon Sessions
The afternoon schedule consists of two main panels hosted by UKCMA, GCMA and EEA:
Crowd Communication & Behaviours: With reports of crowds becoming more difficult or aggressive, and conduct impacted by high levels of expectation and high levels of demand, how best to predict this behaviour when planning a show? the session will review the latest theories and reality of crowd behaviour after a hiatus in live events of nearly two years.
The panel is chaired by Victoria Matthews, European Arenas Association (NL) with guest panellists Oliver Gardener, Vespasian Security / UKCMA (UK) and Claire Cosgrave, SSE Arena Belfast (UK).
Rethinking Risk & Building Resilience in Event Operations: With new audiences, new trends and new artists, risk is never static. And with risks constantly changing, from counter terrorism, cyber and Covid, to weather and audience behaviour, how should we build resilience, systems and processes to mitigate them?
The panel is chaired by Anne Marie Chebib, Select Security & Stewarding / UKCMA & GCMA (UK), with guest speakers: Jon (JC) Corbishley, The Safety Officer (AU); Phil Bourton, Select Security & Stewarding / UKCMA & GCMA (UK); and Mantas Vedrickas, Zalgiris Arena (LT).
The full IPM and E3S agenda can be found here.
Also, due to the greater number of panels this year, registered delegates will be to watch or rewatch all the main panels on-demand, once the event is over.